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Pickup Fender Humbucker Shawbucker 2 Zebra

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Fender Humbucker Shawbucker 2 Zebra pickup for the bridge but also perfect in the neck position , pickup pickup with great precision, 7.8K resistance, vintage in single and modern mode in double, 4 strands, ideal in HSS mode, fender reference 099 -2249-002.


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119,90 €

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Pickup Fender Humbucker Shawbucker 2 Zebra

Neck or bridge neck Fender Stratocaster Humbucker Shawbucker 2 designed by Tim Shaw: This pickup is installed as standard on the Stratocaster American Professional HSS, HH and Elite series and formerly American Deluxe HSS.

Pickup Fender Humbucker Shawbucker Zebra

  • Humbucker pickup with great precision and excellent versatility offers great power, good balance in double or single if split, excellent sustain and above all a lot of sharpness and precision in clean and saturated sounds. The pickup can be split and offers the sound quality of the Fender American Deluxe and Vintage single pickups;
  • The Shawbucker features a moderate output level for a humbucking, well-rounded and warm sound to cover a versatile sound palette from rock to punk to metal. Ideal side bridge .
  • Resistance level: 7.8K . It offers superior output to single coils, pickup and other Alnico 5 pickups for richer tones and no hum or stray noise, 4-wire pickups, pickup pickups.
  • Fender® part number: 099-2249-002.

Bridge pickup Humbucker Shawbucker 2 demon strat ion

Listen to the Shawbucker 2 in action in a Stratocaster Standard USA HSS...

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Pickup Fender Humbucker Shawbucker 2 Zebra

Pickup Fender Humbucker Shawbucker 2 Zebra

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French specialist in dealing Fender Stratocaster since 2009, Telecaster, Jazz and Precision Bass parts, new or refurb : Necks, bodies, loaded pickguards, mounted plates and circuit controllers, hardware, pickups, accessories. Consult our Fender lutherie practical blog sheets, customization and maintenance guide for Fender® electric guitars and basses.