FranceGuitare Official Fender Euro Stratocaster Telecaster Parts Dealer

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Bridge Pickup Fender Telecaster 52 Bridge Pickup American Vintage

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Original American Vintage Fender Telecaster 52 Bridge Bridge Pickup, Fender pickup fitted as standard on American Vintage 52 and 52 Hot Rod Telecasters as well as on Custom Shop limited editions. Fender Series 099-2119-001.


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105,00 €

73,50 €

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Bridge Pickup Fender Telecaster 52 Bridge Pickup American Vintage

Bridge pickup American Vintage 52 Telecaster (original 52) Reissue single coil Fender, bridge pickup fitted as standard on American Vintage 52 Telecaster and Hot Rod 52 Reissue, delivered and sold with 3 mounting screws and latex springs.

Fender Tele® Original 52 Vintage Bridge Pickup

  • This pickup offers this characteristic sound of the Telecaster Vintage 51-54 thanks to the base of the copper pickup fixed under the pickup , the advantages of vintage microphones (Magnets type Alnico II and III) and the irregular overwinding of the magnets, higher and thicker coil fiber;
  • Inverted polarity as well as the winding (RP/RW mode), waxed fiber pickup (wax bath), give this pickup a precise sound, clarity and a lot of warmth, a mid-range with finesse as we are entitled to to expect from a Tele 52 pickup , super clean sound with rich and brilliant harmonics, excellent crunchy sounds;
  • The pickup bridge offers all the SOUND country, Rockabilly and Bluesy, characteristics of the pickup bridge 1952;
  • 7K to 7.4K resistor, N/S reverse winding polarity.

Demo Fender Telecaster Reissue 1952 Relic Limited Edition Custom Shop

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Bridge Pickup Fender Telecaster 52 Bridge Pickup American Vintage

Bridge Pickup Fender Telecaster 52 Bridge Pickup American Vintage

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French specialist in dealing Fender Stratocaster since 2009, Telecaster, Jazz and Precision Bass parts, new or refurb : Necks, bodies, loaded pickguards, mounted plates and circuit controllers, hardware, pickups, accessories. Consult our Fender lutherie practical blog sheets, customization and maintenance guide for Fender® electric guitars and basses.