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Fender Hot Rod Red PIO Condenser Cornell Dubilier .05uf Am Vint 50s

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Fender Hot Rod Red PIO Cornell Dubilier capacitor .05uf/150VDC American Vintage 50s reissue type 1951 to 1959 for Stratocaster, Telecaster and Precision Bass oil-paper (PIO), to mount on vintage audio potentiometer.


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Fender Hot Rod Red PIO Condenser Cornell Dubilier .05uf Am Vint 50s

Reproduction Fender Pure Vintage capacitor type "Cornell Dubilier .05uf/150VDC" capacitor for Stratocaster®, Telecaster® but also Precision Bass Fender® type 50's reissue, vintage sound guaranteed with all circuit assemblies with pickup pickup.

Fender Hot Rod 50's Red PIO capacitor .05uf/150V

  • Fender American Vintage Hot rod capacitor made in usa : Models used by the Fender Custom Shop since 2015, suitable for all vintage Strat, Tele, Jaguar or Precision Bass pickups and more generally for all single coil pickups;
  • Average width 20mm, capacitor to be mounted on vintage audio vintage potentiometer type CTS 250K to 300K, ideal for a good balance of the tone at mid-stroke;
  • Red oil paper finish, mounted on Broadcaster type Tele, 50's style Precision Bass, and Hot Rod Stratocaster, Fender reference 009-4119-049.

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Fender Hot Rod Red PIO Condenser Cornell Dubilier .05uf Am Vint 50s

Fender Hot Rod Red PIO Condenser Cornell Dubilier .05uf Am Vint 50s

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French specialist in dealing Fender Stratocaster since 2009, Telecaster, Jazz and Precision Bass parts, new or refurb : Necks, bodies, loaded pickguards, mounted plates and circuit controllers, hardware, pickups, accessories. Consult our Fender lutherie practical blog sheets, customization and maintenance guide for Fender® electric guitars and basses.